The game is played from a third-person perspective in which scavenging for supplies and learning when to fight or run are key factors in surviving the dangers of the game. The single-player story is arranged in 15 chapters, which players complete in order to progress through the story. A sequel, The Evil Within 2, was released on October 13, 2017. The Evil Within received a generally positive reception upon release praise was mostly directed at the game's horror elements, gameplay and atmosphere, while criticism was directed at the game's story, characters and technical issues. Played in a third-person perspective, players battle disfigured nightmare-like enemies, including bosses, using guns and melee weapons, and progress through the levels, avoiding traps, using stealth, and finding collectables. The game centers on protagonist Sebastian Castellanos as he is pulled through a distorted world full of nightmarish locations and horrid creatures.

The game was directed by Resident Evil series creator Shinji Mikami and was released worldwide in October 2014 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. El dolor y el sentimiento de venganza que aún persisten en Ruvik dieron forma a esta criatura.The Evil Within is a survival horror video game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. Una criatura creada por la mente de Ruvik a partir del dolor del recuerdo de la trágica muerte de su hermana Laura Victoriano, quien lo salvó de ser envuelto en llamas en el fuego del granero. IMPORTANTE, utilice masilla epoxi o similar para rellenar las costuras y ocultar las juntas de algunas piezas. El comprador necesitará tener las herramientas adecuadas, así como los materiales.

Kit de garaje: esta opción solo contiene las piezas que componen la figura. Figura pintada: los materiales utilizados son pinturas acrílicas de alta calidad, sobre imprimación de poliuretano acrílico y posteriormente barnizadas con resistentes barnices de poliuretano acrílico. Reproducción de resina de poliuretano de alta calidad de una figura esculpida a mano.